About Us

When a patient asks, have confidence in your explanation by utilizing a simple, easy to understand illustration within your Eye Flip Chart to quickly and clearly articulate your answer. They'll be better prepared for what is ahead, better informed for any decisions they need to make, and have the trust they need in you to ensure your patient relationship is effective.

Eye Flip Charts by Stephen F. Gordon have been utilized by thousands of medical professionals to educate millions of patients. It's easy to see why - the didactic and distinctive illustrations simplify concepts so that anyone can understand. No longer fumble through a verbal-only explanation with a patient left scratching his or her head. Utilize an affordable Eye Flip Chart today!

About Stephen F. Gordon

For over 40 years, Stephen F. Gordon has provided the medical profession with the very best in patient education material. Stephen F. Gordon received his Bachelor of Arts in Biology in 1976 from Northwestern University. He has produced over 10,000 medical and dental illustrations and paintings for journal publication, books, presentations, exhibits, patient education materials, advertising, packaging, and web sites.

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